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List Price: $5.50
Discount 1 Price:Any orders purchasing $0 to $100 dollars receive this special pricing$4.25
Discount 2 Price:Any orders purchasing over $100 dollars receive this special pricing$3.95



How frustrating is it to try and clean seat belts?    No longer!

Specially formulated to instantly remove tough grease, dirt and grime from seat belts like no other product on the market. No soaking. power washing or waiting. Safe on colorfast fabrics and leaves no soil-attracting residue. Directions: Spray directly onto affected area, completely saturating the area until evenly moist. Fold over a scotch bright pad ( to do both side of the seat belt at one time and scrub vigorously. Wipe dry with clean lint free wet rag. Repeat as needed. Will also clean upholstery, carpets, vinyl and leather.

Additional information

Weight16 oz


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