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List Price: $2.35
Discount 1 Price:Any orders purchasing $0 to $100 dollars receive this special pricing$2.15
Discount 2 Price:Any orders purchasing over $100 dollars receive this special pricing$1.95



Clear interior floor mats with your personalized logo will be a great addition to your dealership. They add value to your service and provide a personal touch!

Benefits of Personalized Logo Floor Mats:

  • No charge for design and setup.
  • Minimal order amounts required (first order 240 sheets – 120 after that).
  • Affordable pricing
  • Ideal for increasing business and revenue!

Call and ask for John today. All we need is your logo to get started on your personalized floor mats.

Contact John by calling 800-760-9130 or by emailing: john@superiorrestoration.com

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Weight 1 lbs


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