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SKU Product Name List Price Discount Price 1: Any orders purchasing $0 to $100 dollars receive this special pricing Discount Price 2: Any orders purchasing over $100 dollars receive this special pricing Qty
PPT052-8 8 oz Red Toner $72.95 $65.95 $65.95
PPT062 4 oz Blue Toner $40.95 $35.95 $35.95
WFK-1 Imperial Wheel Refinishing System $2195.00 $1795.00 $1795.00
WFK-P Wheel Refinishing Paint Kit $595.00 $495.00 $495.00
WP-2 Custom Matched Wheel Paint Aerosols $24.75 $22.75 $21.75
WP-A Aerosol Wheel Rim and Plastic Hubcap Paint $17.95 $15.95 $13.95
WP-SA112 Wheel Paint High Gloss Silver - Aerosol $17.95 $15.95 $14.95
WRAP01 Aluminum/Chrome Polish $16.95 $14.95 $13.95
WRF100 Aluminum Repair Epoxy $13.95 $11.95 $11.50