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SKU Product Name List Price Discount Price 1: Any orders purchasing $0 to $100 dollars receive this special pricing Discount Price 2: Any orders purchasing over $100 dollars receive this special pricing Qty
GC-4 4 oz Graining Compound $19.95 $17.95 $16.95
GC-C 5 oz Cartridge Refill for Applicator Gun $27.95 $25.95 $23.95
GC-KIT Gun Applicator and Cartridge for Graining Kit $48.95 $46.95 $44.95
GC-TIPS GC-C Tip (1 each) (for applicator gun) $1.95 $1.75 $1.60
GCC 1/2 oz Graining Compound Catalyst $9.95 $7.95 $7.25
GP-1 Pre-made Graining Pad $11.95 $9.95 $8.95
GP-S Set of Graining Pads (15 pads) $125.95 $115.95 $109.95
GPS GPS Samples of all the graining pad textures $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
GPS-6 Set of Graining Papers 3" x 8" $18.95 $16.95 $15.95
GPSET-10 Set of Graining Pads (10 pads) $94.95 $84.95 $82.95
LC-16 16 oz Leather Clone $43.95 $40.95 $38.95
LC-4 6 oz Leather Clone - (now comes in 6 oz preval glass jar) $22.95 $19.95 $18.50