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SKU Product Name List Price Discount Price 1: Any orders purchasing $0 to $100 dollars receive this special pricing Discount Price 2: Any orders purchasing over $100 dollars receive this special pricing Qty
ACTG Acetone Gallon $52.95 $49.95 $47.95
S100-G Gal Silicone Wash $52.95 $49.95 $47.95
S100-P Pint Silicone Wash $21.95 $19.95 $18.95
S100-Q Qrt Silicone Wash $31.95 $27.95 $26.95
SA-8 8 oz Sand Away $18.95 $16.95 $15.95
SA-G Gallon Sand Away $55.95 $49.95 $47.95
SA-P Pint of Sand Away $21.95 $19.95 $18.95
SA-Q Qrt of Sand Away $31.95 $27.95 $26.95
SBR-G Gal Blush Retarder $139.95 $119.95 $119.95
SLP-G Gallon Superior Leather Prep $55.95 $49.95 $47.95
SLP-P Pint Superior Leather Prep $21.95 $19.95 $18.95
SLP-Q Quart Superior Leather Prep $31.95 $27.95 $26.95